League Overview
Summer Youth 5v5 Leagues
The 4th Annual Westchester Summer League registration is open! Registration is made by full-team registrations. Summer leagues are game-only leagues with games 1x games per week. Summer League is an excellent way for school, club, and travel teams or players to stay in basketball shape and compete this summer. If you are an individual looking to participate, please reach out to director@gametimetourneys.com to find a potential team placement. Register by May 19th to save and guarantee a spot! Capacity is limited!
Rosters & Registration
- Team Entry Registrations: Register as a complete team of 8-10 players.
- Individual Registration: Please reach out to director@gametimetourneys.com to find a potential team placement
- Schedules will be initially communicated by email and made available on Sports Engine TourneyMachine. We strongly recommend all players in the league download the Tourney Machine app to stay up-to-date with league game times, messages, scores, standings, and bracket play.
League Rules
Coaches MUST confirm ALL numbers in the book prior to the start of the game.
Two 16-minute stop-time halves. The clock will run in the 2nd half anytime the lead is over 20 points. Once under 20 points, stop time resumes. (14-minute halves for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th).
Each team gets 3 timeouts per game (45 seconds). Teams will get ONE timeout in overtime. (Timeouts will NOT carry over)
On the 10th foul in each half, the opposing team will shoot 1 and 1. On the 12th and each additional foul, the opposing team will shoot 2 free throws. 2 free throws are shot for a technical foul.
In 3rd, 4th and 5th grade (and all divisions labeled elementary), players are allowed to jump over the free-throw line as long as the ball is released from behind the line.
2-minute warm-up period before the game and 2-minute halftime.
Any coach or player receiving two technical fouls will be ejected from the game. Any coach ejected from the game must also leave the facility. To be eligible to coach another game that weekend, approval must be granted from the tournament director. Any player ejected from a game will be suspended from playing their next game. All further disciplinary action will be determined by the tournament director.
Overtime will be 2 minutes with stop time. After the two-minute overtime, the first team to score 3 points wins the game. In overtime, both teams get ONE timeout (no carryover).
Players will be disqualified once they have committed their 5th foul.
Girls and Boys will have a 10-second backcourt violation.
All girls and 3rd-6th grade boys will use a 28.5 ball. All boy’s 7th grade and older will use a 29.5 ball. If both coaches agree to use a 29.5, Gametime Tourneys will allow this.
DEFENSES: Pressing is allowed for grades 5th-High School. For 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades, pressing is only allowed in the second half. Additionally, no pressing in any grade level is allowed if the lead is 20 points or greater for the winning team. In 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade, full-court and zone defense were only allowed in the second half. (Half court man only in the first half)
When determining the teams who advance to playoffs: In a two-team tie, if the teams have played each other, head-to-head is used. If they have not, the tie-breaker goes to point differential (if also tied in point differential, then points allowed and then points scored). In the case of a three-team tie, point differential is used applied. In the case of a tie determining playoff advancement when only one team has a forfeit victory, point differentials against a common opponent(s) will be used to settle the tie. *Schedule requests cannot be made for bracket play*
Players are only allowed to play on one team; however, a player may also play on one additional team as long it is ABOVE their age group WITHIN their program. A player CANNOT play on more than one team in one age division. Gametime Tourneys must be notified in writing prior to Friday before the tournament if a player is playing on multiple teams to be granted this exception.
Tie Breakers
- Tiebreaker #1: Winning Percentage (Highest winning percentage)
- Tiebreaker #2: Head-To-Head
- Tiebreaker #3: Point Differential – Caps at 20/per game.
- Tiebreaker #4: Points Allowed
- Tiebreaker #5: Points Scored
- Playoffs, consolation games, and championships will occur during the season’s last two weeks of the season.
- Bracket play is a single-elimination format. The number of teams in bracket play depends on the number of teams in each division. Check Tourney Machine for your bracket schedule.